Control and Enable High Risk Activities

through Secure Environments-as-a-Service

Gain 99% efficiency in virtualization/cloud and orchestration

Protect Organizations
and Enhance Activities

A digital transformation has occurred, changing the way we work forever. Mobile and cloud have made anytime and anywhere-access a permanent reality. Availability and freedom have completely erased the boundary in which work occurs. The perimeter is gone, and while connectivity and security have always been at odds, modern work has polarized them further.

Managing the complexity of securing the virtual and physical worlds has left organizations scrambling to keep up but even more vulnerable to misstep and exploitation. Now more than ever, people need access to the data and tools to do their jobs effectively — anytime, anywhere — without compromising the mission, project or the enterprise. It’s possible — with Replica.

Replica creates authentic virtual environments that ensure identities and assets are always protected no matter where or what work needs to get done. Replica makes digital privacy and true zero trust protection easy and available for every user, reducing risk and enabling enterprises to advance missions and projects in any environment with total security and zero limitations – with 99% efficiency gains over using Kubernetes and cloud computing directly.

Simplify Privacy
and Increase Performance

Fusing patented technology, field-tested tradecraft and using Zero Trust architecture, Replica is what VPN’s, browser isolation, or Desktops-as-a-Service could not do alone. It rapidly creates fresh, realistic environments that gives trackers and adversaries the data they’re after but it’s just information vapor.

Combined with customers’ critical data and apps, Replica lets threat hunters investigate the darkest corners of the web. Executives can browse safely from home or travel. Enterprises can protect their staff and isolate their vulnerable systems against malware and phishing and more. Replica protects Data Owners and empowers Data Users. It’s privacy and performance, simplified, on-demand and at scale.

How Teams Benefit


  • Global access to data, tools and workflows
  • New environments in seconds backed by our extensive pre-configured image library
  • No installations or hardware required
  • Free up your IT org, reduced maintenance time and expense
  • Provides or integrates with enterprise services (SSO, proxies, dashboards, tools)


  • Built by the leading experts from the US Intelligence Community and the tech industry
  • Patented protections: prevent data compromise, reduce human error
  • Our comprehensive architecture: Zero Trust isolation, hosting, orchestration, operations, audit and transparency, automation

- SLED customer

“We were manually creating, maintaining and securing hundreds of VM’s for every contractor. Replica automated that process but gave us so much more insight and control over those environments. ”

- Telecommunications customer

“In the past year, we were able to complete three data collections. In one week with Replica, we were able to complete 30. This is game changing.”

- DoD customer

“I appreciate that Replica is flexible — there are different ways to deploy it, it is scalable, it is deployable, it is responsive, mobile, and it serves multiple markets..”

- Intelligence customer

“Replica gave us access to the data we needed around the world. The secure environments were always available and super flexible.”

Use Cases


Isolated Collaboration

Secure Enclaves

Managed Attribution



Obfuscated Commercial Data Access

Enterprise Privacy

Purpose-built by
Cyber Counterintelligence Experts

Replica was born and engineered to fill the massive privacy and security gaps that government and commercial organizations experience as they strive to meet their missions. The product is the work of the team at Grey Market Labs, an innovation lab founded by former US intelligence community leaders and operators. Read our founding story to learn more.

See a Demo of Replica

Contact our team to discover and explore Replica in real-time.