
Pattern-of-Life Through Electricity Monitoring

Data Privacy, Information Security, Risk and Liability

Household electricity monitoring provides insight into the usage of electronics in the home. Monitoring can be accomplished through commercial products (e.g. those described here or through a utility provider’s service (such as the Duke Home Energy Report). These insights can help pinpoint which devices are wasting energy to help the homeowner save money. The analysis of electricity by these products or providers is so in-depth that they extract exact brand information on individual devices based on how much electricity that device is using and the unique electrical signature it produces

This information can also be used for Pattern-of-life analysis to expose the daily activities inside the home – which could be used for anything from targeted advertising to exploiting security weaknesses. It is important for homeowners to be aware of how this data is being used and what rights they have over it in order to make informed decisions when managing risk and participating in politics.

#GREYdient Score: 3/10


Grey Market Labs is a Public Benefit Corporation founded with the social mission to protect life online. We build revolutionary software and hardware products, and partner with like-minded industry leaders, to create a future with “privacy-as-a-service”.

Simply: we prevent data from being compromised and protect our customers work, online.

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Grey Market Labs is a Public Benefit Corporation founded with the social mission to protect life online. We build revolutionary software and hardware products, and partner with like-minded industry leaders, to create a future with “privacy-as-a-service”.

Simply: we prevent data from being compromised and protect our customers work, online.

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